Rabu, 22 Julai 2015


Apakah rakan-rakan kaki pancing terinspirasi melihat semangat lelaki ini? Walaupun fisikal dan khudrat membataskan pergerakan beliau, namun kekentalan semangat bagi memenuhi minatnya merentasi kekurangan itu. PERANGSANG ANGLERS respek ler!!!

Berikut kami salinkan kembali nukilan empunya photo ini dalam bahasa asalnya:
'I was inspired by this man determination to do what he loves, despite the obvious restrictions his body has tried to place on his love for fishing and the outdoors. I only hope l can be like him both now and later in life and enjoy what makes me happy, even if its not easy. See no matter what your body is telling you, your mind, heart and soul is telling you different'

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